C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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Text File
347 lines
TITLE: Function Abstractor;
DATE: 04/19/1987;
DESCRIPTION: "Abstracts C function calls and declarations from a C
source and produces a listing of the program's calling
KEYWORDS: Flow Analysis, Flow Analyzer;
COMPILERS: vanilla;
AUTHORS: W. C. Colley III, Mark Ellington;
** CFLOW.C : find module call structure of c program
** refer to cflow.doc for how to use
** Mark Ellington
** 05-27-84
** Ported to portable C. Required the following changes:
** 1) Stripped BDS C hooks.
** 2) Stripped C/80 hooks.
** 3) Allowed for presence/absence of header files "ctype.h"
** and "string.h".
** 4) Allowed for possible pre-definition of constants TRUE,
** FALSE, and EOF.
** 5) Made variable fptr type FILE * instead of int.
** 6) Added a #define for the max line length.
** 7) Made preprocessor directive rejection logic smarter.
** 8) Removed name conflict between our fgets() and the std
** library fgets() by changing ours to get_source_line().
** William C. Colley, III
** 04-19-87
#include <stdio.h>
* Portability Note: The AZTEC C compilers handle the binary/text file
* dichotomy differently from most other compilers. Uncomment the following
* pair of #defines if you are running AZTEC C:
#define getc(f) agetc(f)
#define putc(c,f) aputc(c,f)
/* Portability Note: If you do not have a header file "ctype.h",
uncomment the following #define so that the program will look for
library support. */
/* #define NO_CTYPE_H */
#ifdef NO_CTYPE_H
extern int isalnum();
#include <ctype.h>
/* Portability Note: If you do not have a header file "string.h",
uncomment the following #define so that the program will look for
library support. */
/* #define NO_STRING_H */
#ifdef NO_STRING_H
extern int strcmp();
#include <string.h>
/* Portability Note: A few compilers don't know the additional type
void. If yours is one of these, uncomment the following #define. */
/* #define void int */
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef EOF
#define EOF -1
#define LINE_LENGTH 256 /* Max line length program can handle. */
FILE *fptr; /* input file pointer */
int level; /* keep track of level of open "{"s */
char name[LINE_LENGTH]; /* module name buffer */
char ins[LINE_LENGTH]; /* source input line buffer */
int curchar; /* current character in input line
buffer array subscript */
/* Fixed bug that makes _ characters lop off the beginning of function
names. WCC3. */
int isal_num(c)
int c;
return isalnum(c) || c == '_';
int main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
void modules();
printf("\nCFLOW --> function declarations and calls in C source");
printf("\n by Mark Ellington");
if (argc != 2) {
printf("\nUsage: cflow [infilename.ext] ");
return TRUE;
if (!(fptr = fopen(argv[1],"r"))) {
printf("\nCan't open %s\n",argv[1]);
return TRUE;
printf("\nSource file: %s",argv[1]);
fclose(fptr); return FALSE;
void modules() /* find function declarations and calls */
int j;
char c;
int incom; /* comment flag */
int decl; /* module declaration line flag */
int lastlin; /* last line of file flag */
int quoted; /* within " quotes */
int header; /* within function header (before 1st '{') */
int comment(), get_source_line(), modname(), skipline();
void comout(), lookbak(), quotes();
incom = lastlin = quoted = header = FALSE; level = 0;
do {
lastlin = get_source_line(); /* read a line of source */
decl = FALSE; /* assume nothing */
curchar = 0;
/* read for significant characters */
while (curchar < LINE_LENGTH) {
if (skipline()) break;
quotes(); /* skip single quoted character */
incom = comment(incom); /* true if in comment */
c = ins[curchar];
/* read for significant characters */
if (!incom) {
/* skip double quoted strings */
if (c == '"') quoted = !quoted;
if (!quoted)
switch(c) {
case '{' : level++; header = FALSE;
case '}' : level--;
/* "(" always follows function call */
/* or declaration */
case '(' : if (!isalnum(ins[curchar-1]))
if (!(j = modname())) break;
else decl = TRUE;
if (j == 2) header = TRUE;
default : break;
++curchar; /* next character */
/* display argument declarations */
if (header && !decl) printf("%s",ins);
} while (lastlin); /* = 0 if last line */
/* skip this line ? */
int skipline()
char c;
int i;
if (!(c = ins[curchar])) return TRUE; /* end of line */
if (c == '#') { /* skip preprocessor directives */
for (i = curchar; i--; )
if (ins[i] != ' ' && ins[i] != '\t') return FALSE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE; /* don't skip */
/* skip characters quoted (for instance '}' would throw off level count) */
void quotes()
int flowchar();
if (flowchar(ins[curchar]) && /* test critical chars only */
ins[curchar+1] == '\'' && /* next char single quote? */
curchar+2 < LINE_LENGTH) /* don't pass end of string */
curchar = curchar + 2; /* skip past quote */
/* return TRUE if entering comment, FALSE if exiting */
int comment(incom)
int incom;
if (ins[curchar] == '/') {
if (ins[curchar+1] == '*') return TRUE;
if (curchar > 0 && ins[curchar-1] == '*') return FALSE;
return incom; /* unchanged */
/* look back from position n in string. called with n indicating '('.
determine function name */
void lookbak(n)
int n;
int i;
void comout();
while (!isal_num(ins[n]) && n) --n;
/* find leading blank */
while (isal_num(ins[n-1]) && n) --n;
/* save name */
/* include variable declarations if module declaration */
i = 0;
if (level == 0) /* full line if declaration */
while (ins[n]) name[i++] = ins[n++];
else /* function call within function */
while (isal_num(ins[n])) name[i++] = ins[n++];
name[i] = '\0';
comout(name); /* remove comment from name string */
/* terminate string at comment */
void comout(s)
char *s;
char c;
while (c = *s++)
if (c == '/')
if (*s == '*') {
*(s - 1) = '\n';
*s = '\0';
/* display module name with indentation according to { level */
/* returns 0 if not module, 1 if call within module, 2 if */
/* module declaration */
int modname()
int j, unreserved();
void comout();
if (unreserved()) { /* test if builtin like while */
if (level == 0) {
return 2;
else {
for (j=0; j < level; ++j)
return 1;
return 0;
/* test for names that are operators not functions */
int unreserved()
return strcmp(name,"return") &&
strcmp(name,"if") &&
strcmp(name,"while") &&
strcmp(name,"for") &&
/* test if character is one that program tracks */
int flowchar(c)
char c;
return c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '\"';
/* read a line of source */
int get_source_line()
char *s;
int ch;
s = ins;
while ((ch = getc(fptr)) != EOF) {
if ((*s++ = ch) == '\n') {
*s = '\0';
return TRUE;
*s = '\0';
return FALSE;